Can You Lose Belly Fat by Using an Elliptical?

Can you lose belly fat by using an elliptical? Yes, you can use an elliptical machine to lose belly fat. However, it requires a commitment to a workout routine on your part. 

It can be frustrating having a bulge on your midsection especially when rocking a nice outfit. This in turn can ruin your self-confidence more so when interacting with people you aren’t familiar with.

But that’s not the only reason to lose belly fat as medical studies infer that belly fat is associated with chronic health problems such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

If you’re determined to get healthier and slimmer, cardio exercises should be your top priority. Using the elliptical machine should be a great start. If you maintain consistency in your workouts, plus a healthy diet, you’ll be healthier and leaner in little time.

Why and How Fat Builds Up on Your Belly

Apart from genetics, fat building up around your mid-section is mainly caused by taking in a lot of calories than your body needs each day. This causes your body to store the excess fat in form of fats around your belly. In order to lose the excess fat, you’ll need to cut out calorie intake hence causing your body to burn the available fat for energy. Therefore, checking your diet and also engaging in cardiovascular activity is essential. 

You should keep in mind that fat loss should be visible throughout your entire body. This means you shouldn’t put more emphasis on your belly than other parts of your body.

Advantages of Using an Elliptical Machine

Stepping onto an elliptical machine may feel a little baffling if it’s your first time—but you’ll get used to it in minutes, and once you do, game on! Learning how to position your hands, feet and move correctly should be easy if you have a trainer.

With a regular routine, you’ll realize that the elliptical is a surefire cardiovascular exerciser and body toner. It works both your upper and lower body which helps you burn calories uniformly. It also strengthens various muscle groups all over your body due to their combined effort in performing the movements.

If you’re overweight or experiencing joint problems, an elliptical machine offers a non-impact trait that allows you to work out without hitches or pain.

Can you lose belly fat by using an elliptical? Definitely

For those starting out, body positioning is important when doing any type of exercise. This isn’t an exception on the elliptical. You should be keen on where you place your feet and hands. First, begin by positioning your feet on to the pedals, don’t worry about the size of the pedals just make sure your feet fit squarely in the middle and maintain a parallel position.

The handlebar offers you two options which are static and moving. Use the static handlebars until you’re conversant with your foot movements. The moving handlebars help to add more intensity to your workout once you pull and push them as the pedal.

You can begin by putting your feet forward while slightly bending your knee. You will feel a little discomfort if you try to lock your knees, so try as much as possible to keep them in a bent position. The more you pedal, your feet will ensue an oval-shaped track. Not only can you pedal forwards but also backward by just reversing the movements of your feet.

The handlebars should be pushed and pulled simultaneously with your leg movements in the opposite direction. The more you push forward your left arm, your right leg needs to come forward and vice versa. Don’t forget to maintain a firm and upright posture with a laid-back shoulder and chest out.

Intensity Is Key in Burning Belly Fat

The best way to enhance the intensity is by using interval training. This varies the heart rate, unlike steady-state cardio that maintains your heart rate throughout the entire workout. Interval training burns calories within a short period. It also burns calories even when you aren’t working out. This is why it’s important to always push harder in intensity training. Taking turns between intense training and recovery periods is the best way to do it.

When you’re done with the work out always take a short cool down for about 5 to 10 minutes.

It will be an uphill task at first but you’ll soon reap the fruits of pushing yourself to the limit. If the workout becomes too easy, you can gradually increase intensity. To get the best out of your workout, you should make sure you’re breathing hard, sweating, and can’t hold a conversation at the end.

Duration, Speed, and Resistance of Your Training

Losing belly fat takes time it’s not something you can achieve within a day. It will require months of hard work and consistent training. However, the more fats you burn the closer you are to achieving this goal. Increasing the resistance and speed of your legs will help to burn loads of calories in the long run.

Vary Your Exercises or Training

When you feel you aren’t achieving results or get tired of your training, then it’s time to spice things up by incorporating other types of exercises. You should also be well aware of overtraining which can result from doing the same exercises every single day. The best way to go about it is by engaging in other activities such as cycling, swimming, and running. This gives your body different experiences thus a much healthier body. If you are more concerned about weight loss through exercises, doing a wide range of tasks will give the best results.

You may also add strength training to your workout sessions. They can be a major boost to your weight loss routine and will help increase your overall self-confidence. You can start by lifting weights or basic pushups and pull-ups. Doing sit-ups and other exercises that focus on your core will also help in getting rid of belly fat. You can mix them up during your workout sessions or do them on separate days.

Can you lose belly fat by using an elliptical? Yes!