Bike Legs Workouts; How To Strengthen Your Legs On A Bike

Many cyclists struggle with developing strong lower body muscles due to the repetitive nature of cycling. Fortunately, there are effective exercises that you can do on or off a bicycle that will help strengthen your leg muscles and improve your overall performance. In this blog post, we’ll go through bike leg workout ideas, how they work and how to incorporate them into your routine for maximum reward. So whether you’re looking for a way to simply tone up or become a top-level racer, let’s get started.

The best leg workouts that deliver results include strength and endurance training, HIIT training, core exercises, and resistance training. These workouts coupled with good nutrition and recovery will boost your leg strength and performance.

The Best Exercise Bikes On The Market Today

SOLE Fitness SB700 2020 Model Light Upright Indoor Stationary Bike, Home and Gym Exercise Equipment, Smooth and Quiet, Versatile for Any Workout, Bluetooth and USB Compatible
Schwinn Fitness AD6 Airdyne Bike , Black, 48 x 15 x 27"
MERACH Indoor Cycling Bike, Exercise Bike for Home with Magnetic Resistance, Bluetooth Stationary Bike, iPad Holder, CC
ProForm 440 ES Smart Recumbent Exercise Bike with 30-Day All-Access iFit Membership (PFEX15917)
Spin Bike Adjustable Exercise Bike Upright Bike Infinite Resistance Workout Machine With Tablet Holder LCD Monitor For Home Gym Office 264lbs Max Capacity (Color : Orange+white)
pooboo Magnetic Resistance Indoor Cycling Bike, Belt Drive Indoor Exercise Bike Stationary LCD Monitor with Ipad Mount &Comfortable Seat Cushion for Home Cardio Workout Cycle Bike Training Upgraded Version
SOLE Fitness SB700 2020 Model Light Upright Indoor Stationary Bike, Home and Gym Exercise Equipment, Smooth and Quiet, Versatile for Any Workout, Bluetooth and USB Compatible
Schwinn Fitness AD6 Airdyne Bike , Black, 48 x 15 x 27"
MERACH Indoor Cycling Bike, Exercise Bike for Home with Magnetic Resistance, Bluetooth Stationary Bike, iPad Holder, CC
ProForm 440 ES Smart Recumbent Exercise Bike with 30-Day All-Access iFit Membership (PFEX15917)
Spin Bike Adjustable Exercise Bike Upright Bike Infinite Resistance Workout Machine With Tablet Holder LCD Monitor For Home Gym Office 264lbs Max Capacity (Color : Orange+white)
pooboo Magnetic Resistance Indoor Cycling Bike, Belt Drive Indoor Exercise Bike Stationary LCD Monitor with Ipad Mount &Comfortable Seat Cushion for Home Cardio Workout Cycle Bike Training Upgraded Version
Price not available
SOLE Fitness SB700 2020 Model Light Upright Indoor Stationary Bike, Home and Gym Exercise Equipment, Smooth and Quiet, Versatile for Any Workout, Bluetooth and USB Compatible
SOLE Fitness SB700 2020 Model Light Upright Indoor Stationary Bike, Home and Gym Exercise Equipment, Smooth and Quiet, Versatile for Any Workout, Bluetooth and USB Compatible
Schwinn Fitness AD6 Airdyne Bike , Black, 48 x 15 x 27"
Schwinn Fitness AD6 Airdyne Bike , Black, 48 x 15 x 27"
MERACH Indoor Cycling Bike, Exercise Bike for Home with Magnetic Resistance, Bluetooth Stationary Bike, iPad Holder, CC
MERACH Indoor Cycling Bike, Exercise Bike for Home with Magnetic Resistance, Bluetooth Stationary Bike, iPad Holder, CC
ProForm 440 ES Smart Recumbent Exercise Bike with 30-Day All-Access iFit Membership (PFEX15917)
ProForm 440 ES Smart Recumbent Exercise Bike with 30-Day All-Access iFit Membership (PFEX15917)
Price not available
Spin Bike Adjustable Exercise Bike Upright Bike Infinite Resistance Workout Machine With Tablet Holder LCD Monitor For Home Gym Office 264lbs Max Capacity (Color : Orange+white)
Spin Bike Adjustable Exercise Bike Upright Bike Infinite Resistance Workout Machine With Tablet Holder LCD Monitor For Home Gym Office 264lbs Max Capacity (Color : Orange+white)
pooboo Magnetic Resistance Indoor Cycling Bike, Belt Drive Indoor Exercise Bike Stationary LCD Monitor with Ipad Mount &Comfortable Seat Cushion for Home Cardio Workout Cycle Bike Training Upgraded Version
pooboo Magnetic Resistance Indoor Cycling Bike, Belt Drive Indoor Exercise Bike Stationary LCD Monitor with Ipad Mount &Comfortable Seat Cushion for Home Cardio Workout Cycle Bike Training Upgraded Version

The Benefits of Bike Leg Workout for Leg Strength and Its Importance for Cyclists

Cycling is an effective exercise for strengthening the lower body, particularly the legs. Not only does it work your quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes, but it also works stabilizer muscles in the hips, ankles and feet. This overall engagement of muscles helps to increase balance, coordination and stability while cycling. Additionally, cycling improves aerobic fitness, which helps to reduce stress levels and improve overall health.

Bike leg workout basics

Types of bike workouts for leg strength

There are different types of workouts that can be performed either on or off the bike. There are three categories of workouts: strength, endurance, and power. Strength-focused workouts involve short bursts of high-intensity activity with a focus on building muscle mass. Endurance-based workouts typically include more moderate-intensity efforts over an extended period of time and are great for improving stamina and aerobic capacity. Power-based workouts focus on intervals of short, high-intensity efforts that help to improve speed and efficiency.

How to warm up before a bike workout

Warming up before any type of bike workout is essential for preparing your body and mind for the exercise. Start with 10 minutes of easy spinning to increase blood flow and gradually raise your heart rate. Then do some dynamic stretching, such as calf raises, leg swings and lunges, to activate your muscles and get them ready for the workout. Finally, spend about 5 minutes doing some light resistance exercises, like squats and leg presses, to further prepare your body.

Tips for setting up your bike for a leg workout

There are different types of bikes; stationary bikes, road bikes, mountain bikes and so on. Each type of bike has its own specific setup requirements. In general, however, it’s important to make sure the bike is adjusted properly for your height. The proper height should allow you to pedal with your knees slightly bent but not fully extended when standing up in a seated position on the bike. The handlebars should also be at a comfortable height that allows you to maintain good posture and avoid putting stress on your back.

CHECK OUT: What Does Bike Workout Do?

bike leg workout routine

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts

You must have heard of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), a popular form of exercise that involves alternating between short bursts of intense effort followed by periods of rest. This type of workout is highly effective for increasing leg strength and power, because it challenges your muscles in ways that longer, slower rides do not. A typical HIIT session will involve 8 to 10 intervals of 20 seconds to 2 minutes of high-intensity activity, followed by an equal amount of time for rest or recovery.

Sample HIIT workouts for beginners and advanced cyclists

Beginners can start with a simple interval workout of 30 seconds to 1 minute of intense effort, followed by the same amount of time for rest. As you get more comfortable and confident with HIIT workouts, you can increase the intensity and duration of each interval. Advanced cyclists should aim for intervals between 1-2 minutes at an all-out effort, followed by 1-2 minutes of rest.

Benefits of HIIT workouts for leg strength and fitness

HIIT workouts are a great way to improve leg strength and power, as well as increase aerobic capacity and endurance. The intense effort involved in these workouts recruits muscle fibers that would not be used during longer rides at a lower intensity. This type of workout also helps to build muscle mass, burn calories and lose weight faster than other forms of exercise.

Endurance workouts

Explanation of endurance workouts for leg strength

Endurance workouts are great for building up leg strength and increasing your aerobic capacity. These typically involve low- to moderate-intensity efforts over a longer period of time, such as 45 minutes to 1 hour. The focus is not on speed or intensity, but rather on sustaining an effort for the entire duration of the workout. Endurance rides can also help to build muscle and burn calories.

For an endurance workout, the goal is to find a comfortable position that allows you to maintain good posture throughout the ride. The handlebars should be at a height where your arms are slightly bent when standing up in a seated position. The saddle should also be adjusted so that your legs have a slight bend in them when pedaling.

Sample endurance workouts for beginners and advanced cyclists

Beginner cyclists should aim for 45 minutes to 1 hour of moderate-intensity riding at a cadence between 80-90 rpm (revolutions per minute). Advanced cyclists can push the intensity higher by increasing the cadence or adding resistance to the pedals.

Strength and resistance training

Strength and resistance training is another effective way to build leg strength, in addition to HIIT and endurance workouts. These exercises involve using external resistance, such as weights or bands, to challenge your muscles through an entire range of motion. Strength and resistance training can help you target specific muscle groups and increase muscle mass, as well as improve your power output when cycling.

Sample strength and resistance exercises for cyclists

For cyclists, some of the best strength and resistance exercises involve using a stability ball or weights to work on single-leg exercises such as lunges, squats, and step-ups. These exercises can be done with or without weights to increase the intensity. Other effective exercises include calf raises, leg extensions, and hamstring curls.

bike training plan for century

Core exercises for cyclists

Explanation of core exercises for leg strength

The core muscles play an important role in cycling performance, as they help to stabilize your upper body while pedaling. Strengthening these muscles can improve your power output and efficiency when riding, as well as reduce fatigue.

Sample core exercises for cyclists

Core exercises for cyclists should focus on stability, balance, and posture. These include plank variations, side planks, mountain climbers, glute bridges, and bird-dog holds. All these exercises can be done without any equipment and will help to strengthen the muscles of your core.

Recovery and rest

Recovery and rest are an important part of any leg strength and fitness program. During recovery, your body has the chance to repair itself and rebuild muscle tissue that was broken down during exercise. Without adequate rest and recovery, your performance will suffer and you may be more prone to injury.

Tips for post-workout recovery and rest

For cyclists, a good post-workout recovery plan should include stretching, foam rolling, and light cardio such as a gentle spin around the block. After exercise, it’s also important to get adequate sleep and nutrition for best results. Finally, make sure to take at least one rest day per week to give your body time to recover and rebuild after strenuous workouts.

This is an overview of the various types of training that can help you build leg strength and improve cycling performance. No matter what level you’re at, these tips will help you get on track and reach your goals.

Nutrition and hydration

In addition to training, nutrition and hydration are important for cycling performance. Eating a balanced diet that includes carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats is essential to fuel your rides. It’s also important to stay hydrated before, during, and after your rides by drinking plenty of fluids.

Sample nutrition tips for cyclists

To get the most out of your cycling, try to eat a healthy breakfast and dinner every day. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products throughout the day. Stay hydrated by drinking water before, during, and after rides. Finally, remember to also include snacks and recovery drinks in your nutrition plan to replenish electrolytes and carbohydrates lost during exercise.

ALSO READ: The Ultimate Bike Workout Routine To Build Strength And Endurance


All in all, building leg strength is essential for cyclists looking to improve their performance. Combining HIIT, endurance workouts, and strength and resistance training into a comprehensive program will help you build muscle mass, increase power output, and improve your overall fitness level. In addition, proper nutrition and hydration are essential for optimizing performance on the road. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your cycling goals.

Last update on 2023-05-10 at 11:18 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API