Using the Elliptical While Pregnant

The pregnancy period was, for a long time, considered a no-exercise time for ladies, majorly because of the delicateness of this stage. However, doctors recommend Using the elliptical while pregnant to keep the body muscles flexible during and even after pregnancy. If you exercise during pregnancy, it is easier to bounce back to the exercise regimen you had before pregnancy.

It is, however, vital to understand that not all forms of exercise are safe during pregnancy. For starters, some recommendations you have heard include aerobic exercises, brisk walking, or swimming. But in cases where you can’t have regular outdoor exercises, an indoor gym can provide you access to the equipment you need to keep your muscles pumping. 

The elliptical is one of the gym equipment that most fitness fines line up to get access to. If you are lucky to have one in your house, it makes it even better to access it any time of day. The elliptical machine is safe to use during pregnancy, which is means you can continue your exercise routine even while pregnant.

Features Of An Elliptical Machine

Different Elliptical Machines have different features, including:

1. Variety of programs

There are many different programs to choose from on the elliptical machine, so you can always find one that fits your needs.

2. Built-in fan

The built-in fan on the elliptical machine will keep you cool as you work out.

3. The ability to track your progress

Most machines have a display that shows your speed, distance, time, and calories burned.

4. Low impact design

The low-impact design of the elliptical machine is easy on your joints. You can use it for a long time without putting strain on your body.

The low-impact design is also great for people who are overweight or obese. It helps them to lose weight without putting too much stress on their bodies.

5. The ability to work your upper and lower body

You can use the elliptical machine to work your upper and lower body at the same time.

6. The ability to go at your own pace

You can go as fast or as slow as you want on the elliptical machine. This is great for people who are new to working out, or for those who are trying to recover from an injury. It also allows you to control the intensity of your workout.

7. Heart rate monitor

The elliptical machine has a heart rate monitor that will help you to stay in your target heart rate zone. This is important for people who are trying to lose weight or improve their cardiovascular health.

Benefits Of The Elliptical

1. Low impact design

Pregnancy exerts a lot of pressure on a woman’s body, such that a lot of muscles and joints start to feel weaker. Opting for an elliptical machine to guide your exercises is like taking a brisk walk outside. Because walking is a lightweight and low-impact exercise with no bouncy movements, an elliptical is a safe choice for any stage of pregnancy. 

2. Helps burn calories

Low impact as it is, the elliptical can help you burn up to 400caloriesin a

30minute exercise. However, do not overexert yourself on the machine. Short and less intense workouts will go a long way to burning your calories levels every day.

3. Improve your balance

The option of handles on the elliptical gives you support and balance when you are working out. However, you can opt to free your hands off the handles and stand up straight. This option gives you the advantage of targeting your core muscles and working out your balance; a great posture means less back pain during the pregnancy.

4. Muscle toning

Working out on an elliptical keeps your legs moving at a manageable speed, less enough to avoid extreme pressure and cramps but just enough to prevent swelling due to immobility. 

5.Builds stress tolerance

Exercising on the elliptical, especially during the last trimesters, helps build stress tolerance. At this stage, you build your muscle strength, practice breathing exercises, and ease your way into the delivery period.

Training Guidelines On Using The Elliptical While Pregnant

Before you hop on that elliptical, it is important to understand the precautions and follow them to the later to avoid harming yourself or the baby. Here are some guidelines you can follow before and during training:

  • Discuss with your doctor about your plan to exercise during pregnancy and which machine you are likely to use. The doctor will explain further what is safe and what isn’t and how much you can do in a day. 
  • Your doctor will also offer clear guidelines and warning on how the exercises will affect you and your baby.
  • If you have a private gym or in the house, make sure your instructor knows that you are expectant. This helps formulate a regimen suitable for you and each stage of your pregnancy.
  • Whether you have been training before the pregnancy or not, start slowly; move along according to your body’s need.
  • Plan your exercise according to the weight you are carrying.
  • Take recurrent breaks as the American Pregnancy Association advises.
  • Keep yourself hydrated throughout the exercise.
  • Monitor your body’s vitals like temperature as you work out. A spike in temperature can be harmful to the baby.


  • Since pregnancy tends to cause loss of balance, always grip the elliptical firmly as you climb and dismount.
  • Stop exercising if you are feeling light-headed or experience pain and discomfort.
  • Slow down or stop exercising if you find it hard to speak normally during the movements.
  • Do not lift anything on the machine or try to move it; treat it all as heavy objects.

Bottom line

Exercising in pregnancy is beneficial and the elliptical; gives you the low impact movements that will not hurt your weak joints or over-exert your body. The ability to adjust the machine to inclinations and levels comfortable for you makes it excellent to work out with throughout your pregnancy. The catch is to let your doctor know of your desire to exercise and work strictly with the guidelines they provide. This method will help you work out your upper and lower core, burn those excess calories, tone some muscles, and keep your breathing exercises in check as you look forward to welcoming your baby.

# Using the Elliptical While Pregnant